Connecting Business – Growing Opportunities

Empowering Women Leaders



To mark the month in which we celebrate International Women's Day, the Causeway Young Professionals Committee is hosting an online networking event to celebrate the successful women in our network across Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Building on the success of our previous International Women's Day (IWD) events over the past couple of years, this event will feature a panel of inspiring speakers sharing insights into their careers, as well as breakout rooms for networking. Free to attend, this webinar is open to both members and non-members, and promises to be an inspiring session!

The theme of the 2024 International Women's Day is #InspireInclusion. Recognising the importance of supporting women from diverse backgrounds and walks of life we look forward to discussing what inclusion means for our speakers and how we can champion this in our lives.

The event will be hosted by Young Professionals Megan Harkins from Forth Point and Jennifer McMurray from Represent Comms who will be joined by Causeway Co-Chairs Brigid Whoriskey and Judith O'Leary.

A great opportunity to align your brand with an important discussion, please get in touch if you are interested in sponsoring this wonderful event.

Please note your webinar link will be forwarded to you 24 hours prior to the webinar.


Andrea Wickham Moriarty


Andrea took up her assignment as Vice Consul General of Ireland in Scotland in August 2023. Prior to taking up duty in Scotland, Andrea served as the Political and Consular Officer at the Embassy of Ireland, Zambia (2020 – 2023). Andrea joined the Department of Foreign Affairs in 2017 and has worked on a number of different policy briefs including Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Middle East and North Africa issues and Northern Ireland Political Affairs. Before joining the Department of Foreign Affairs, Andrea spent six years working in humanitarian aid and has lived and worked in Kenya, Chad, Iraq and Ethiopia.

Jennifer Treacy


Jenn is the first female Chairperson of Scotland GAA and only the fifth ever female chair --worldwide in the organisation. Prior to taking up the post at the start of 2024, she was the Secretary of the County and an Executive Board member of the Clydebank Community Sport Hub. Jenn is an active player and coach within the GAA and LGFA, taking up various coaching positions -- U12 (mixed), U14 girls and most recently coaching U13 boys. In addition, Jenn also holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh focussing on Curricular Sport Programmes and Positive Youth Development.

Jude McCorry


Jude McCorry is the CEO of the Cyber and Fraud Centre - Scotland. Jude has over 20 years of experience in the technology sector and started her career with Dell computers in Ireland, she joined the Cyber and Fraud Centre (formally known as the Scottish Business Resilience Centre) in April 2020 from The Data Lab, where she was Director of Business Development, working with industry and academia to maximise the value of data for Scotland. She is one of the founders of the UNICEF Data Hub for Children, she also sits on the board of the Edinburgh Data-Driven Innovation Hub at Edinburgh University. Jude is very passionate about data for good and inspiring the next generation into cyber and technology – particularly looking at female participation.

Dr Tanya Mulcahy


Dr. Tanya Mulcahy is a pioneering figure at the forefront of health innovation in Ireland. As the head of the Health Innovation Hub, she has dedicated her expertise and experience to creating a vital bridge between start-up ventures and the public health procurement system. A staunch advocate for women's healthcare, Dr Mulcahy is behind FemTec @ HIHI which not only looks at women's health solutions but supports the drive for more female founders in STEM.

Date & Time

Thu, 28 March 2024

16:30 - 18:00

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